Differences between A, B and Z forms of DNA

What is the difference between A, B and Z forms of DNA?

Following are the differences between A, B and Z forms of DNA -:

Helix TypeRight-handed helixRight-handed helixLeft-handed helix
Helix Diameter23 Å (Angstroms)20 Å18 Å
Base Pairs per Turn11 base pairs10.5 base pairs12 base pairs
Helical Twist32.7° per base pair36° per base pair9° per base pair
Pitch (Height per Turn)28.2 Å34 Å45.6 Å
Major grooveNarrow and deepWide and deepFlat
Minor grooveWide and shallowNarrow and deepNarrow and deep
Sugar ConformationC3′-endoC2′-endoC2′-endo (Purines), C3′-endo (Pyrimidines)
OccurrenceFound in dehydrated DNA (in vitro)Most common form under physiological conditionsFound in regions with alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences (e.g., CG repeats)
StabilityLess stable (occurs in low humidity)Most stable and prevalent formLess stable and transient
Biological RoleNot common in vivo, possibly in RNA-DNA hybrids or DNA during replicationDominant form in cellsMay play a role in gene regulation and DNA recombination

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