Health Organizations

World Health Organization

The two most important international health organizations are –: WHO (World Health Organization) and Red Cross

Hepatic portal System

Hepatic Portal System diagram

All the portal veins that carry their contents into liver collectively constitute the Hepatic Portal System.

Human Population

Human Population

Population may be defined as a group of organisms belonging to one species which occupy a given area at a given time.

Blood Group

Types of Blood Groups

Blood group, also known as blood type, is a group of types of blood based on the presence and absence of blood group antigens in the surface (membrane) of the RBCs, and antibodies on the plasma.


Composition of Blood

Blood is defined as specialized connective tissue containing homogenous fluid composed of liquid substance known as plasma and the formed elements RBCs , WBCs and the platelets.

Human Circulatory System

Human Circulatory System- The Heart

All the parts of the body that help in the transportation of various materials in the body, collectively constitute the Circulatory System.